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Markham Jewels Our Story

Updated: May 15, 2022

Having had two children and feeling grateful that the nappies were far behind me (although at the time it had only really been a month without them!) I felt like that was a profound moment of freedom in my life, but I also found myself wondering what next!?

I have had some incredible jobs before I became a mum but teaching was the one I was most proud of. I loved the children and how quickly they blossomed into these little/big people who could read and write. But the joy was ultimately outweighed by the paperwork and the constant demand of never being good enough and it sadly turned from a passion into something I dreaded. I wanted to keep that passion alive and continue to help others, but I had no idea how too.

I was given a metalsmithing course for my birthday and I was obsessed from the moment I produced my first piece. I couldn’t actually believe that this could be a career. Although making Jewellery was/is incredible, i was very new at it and not good enough yet to sell my pieces. As I gained more experience I needed to find my USP and work with this to make my business viable.

I discovered lava beads and their unique ability to absorb liquid like a sponge in 2020. The pandemic had just hit. There was a lot of fear, depression, lack of sleep and anxiety and I wanted to help. These lava beads could be crafted in any colour so I made rainbow bracelets to help raise money for the NHS. My husband works on the front line and so this was personal as well as wanting to create awareness and support.

I have always been passionate about essential oils and their many natural uses. Combining these i found a recipe for less stress, reduced anxiety, more sleep and more of a positive attitude.

This offered my first step to reaching a wider audience and i manged to raise a significant amount of money to help support our amazing NHS and all its hardworking staff. That felt great.

Since then I have attended many short courses and orders have helped me to face my fears and create pieces out of my comfort zone and from there I have gained valuable knowledge and experience. I now attend Stroud Collage to broaden my ability and to offer a wider range of styles of jeweller. Excited for the next chapter.

Now, having had three years of experience in metalsmithing, I feel ready to showcase my pieces on a different platform. Ta da! Welcome to my website!

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